Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of boats do you sail?

We have a fleet of 420s, which are 13 foot long, two-person boats.

Where is the sailing site?

Our site is located at Kingsmill Marina, about a 10 minute drive from campus. Our street address is 1010 Kingsmill Drive, Williamsburg, VA 23185.

What type of gear/clothes do I need to have?

The team has plenty of spare gear (ex. Lifejackets, foul weather gear, etc.) that team members are more than welcome to borrow if they do not own their own! When you come sailing, we recommend wearing clothes you won't mind getting wet in (quick dry or athletic clothing with a bathing suit is usually most comfortable) and closed toed shoes (an old pair of sneakers works well). For safety reasons, closed toed shoes are mandatory for team members when on the dock or in a boat.

How many days a week do you practice?

We hold practices five days a week (Monday through Friday) with some occasional regattas on the weekends.

How do you get to practice? Do I need my own car?

Our sailing site is a 10-15 minute ride from campus and the exec board organizes and provides all transportation so you definitely don’t need your own car to join! For weekday practices we use 12 person passenger vans owned by W&M Campus Recreation. For any weekend sailing we carpool using team members’ personal cars.   

How many days a week do I need to practice?

Members are asked to commit to coming to practice at least one day a week each semester they are on the team. Many team members can only make that level of commitment, while others come to practice 2-3 times a week. For each day you are signed up for practice you get two skips. If you don't think you can fully commit to practicing once a week, talk to someone on the exec board! We would still love to have you on the team and can help you work something out with the Practice Captains!

How much are dues?

Dues are $130 per semester and $240 for the year. Financial aid is available through Campus Rec so we can make sure everyone can get out on the water.

How should I get involved?

Come to our weekly team meeting on Tuesday nights at 8:00 in Blow Hall, room 332, and talk to someone on the exec board. We can answer any questions you have and help you get involved! If you can’t make a meeting, email our exec board or our recruitment chairs for more information. Over the summer, email our exec board or our recruitment chair for more information and ways to begin getting involved during the school year.